From May 6 to 10, APIP promoted the Sustainable Plastics Agenda at the NPE 2024 in Orlando
At the NPE 2024, which took place between May 6 to 10 in Orlando, APIP – Portuguese Plastics Industry Association had the opportunity to promote the Sustainable Plastics Agenda, which is capable of leveraging the sector’s transition to a truly circular economy, contributing with even more sustainable solutions.
APIP organized several actions to promote the Sustainable Plastics Agenda, among which we highlight the following:
- a meeting with Leandro Canto, CEO of Tecnocanto – Tecnologia de Sistemas e Equipamentos Industriais, Lda, an APIP member company which has been developing automation systems, extrusion, recycling and packaging equipment for over 25 years and which is part of the Sustainable Plastics consortium in PPS 13: BIOFILM;
- meeting with Carlos Poço and Daniel Sousa, CEO and DG, respectively, of Periplast – Extrusion Expertise, an APIP member and specialist in extrusion, with solutions in line with the latest Industry 4.0 standards and which is part of the Sustainable Plastics consortium in PPS 11: ECOTELEPOLES;
- meeting with Isabel Castellà Gutzeit, Area Sales Manager at Sirplaste – Sociedade Industrial de Recuperados de Plástico, S.A. an APIP member company that has been a benchmark in the world of plastic waste recycling for over 45 years, and which is part of the Sustainable Plastics consortium as a leader in PPS 10: RECY.TUBE.
This Agenda, co-financed by the PRR, is the result of an initiative by APIP and is led by Logoplaste Innovation Lab. It is made up of a consortium of 39 companies and 10 non-business entities from the technological and scientific system, with the aim of covering all the segments and sub-sectors of the plastics industry and responding to the main challenges faced by the players in this new extended value chain.

About APIP – Portuguese Plastics Industry Association
APIP – Portuguese Plastics Industry Association is a private, non-profit organization recognized as a public utility. Its mission is to advance and support the plastics industry by undertaking actions that foster its technical, economic, and social development, all while prioritizing environmental preservation.